Frequently asked Questions
Is there a membership fee?
Do I need to book?
What do I need to bring?
What materials should I bring?
I provide drawing boards and easels but not art materials such as paper and pencils. The basic set up of the sessions is an hour of short (5 and 10 minute) poses, a tea break and then a longer pose for an hour and a half. So you'd need enough paper for about 8 quick drawings and a sheet large enough for a more finished drawing. (That is if you're drawing - I've got a couple of people who paint the longer pose - myself I will sometimes do 2 paintings at once - working on one while the other dries)
How much paper should I bring?
What size paper should I bring?
Can I paint?
What is the format of the session?
Do I have to pay for refreshments?
Is the class suitable for beginners?
Can I take photographs so I can finish my work at home?
Do I need to book?
What do I need to bring?
What materials should I bring?
I provide drawing boards and easels but not art materials such as paper and pencils. The basic set up of the sessions is an hour of short (5 and 10 minute) poses, a tea break and then a longer pose for an hour and a half. So you'd need enough paper for about 8 quick drawings and a sheet large enough for a more finished drawing. (That is if you're drawing - I've got a couple of people who paint the longer pose - myself I will sometimes do 2 paintings at once - working on one while the other dries)
How much paper should I bring?
What size paper should I bring?
Can I paint?
What is the format of the session?
Do I have to pay for refreshments?
Is the class suitable for beginners?
Can I take photographs so I can finish my work at home?