Croydon Life Drawing Group - Dates for 2017
Making life different for 30 years
2017 will be our thirtieth anniversary. I have booked the hall for the following dates (I couldn't get the hall for all the dates I wished so from March to June they don't follow the usual pattern - but I've ensured there is not more than 3 weeks between the sessions except during the summer)
14 and 28 January
11 and 25 February
18 March
8 and 29 April
13 May
3 and 17 June
15 July
12 August
9 and 23 September
14 and 28 October
11 and 25 November
9 December
14 and 28 January
11 and 25 February
18 March
8 and 29 April
13 May
3 and 17 June
15 July
12 August
9 and 23 September
14 and 28 October
11 and 25 November
9 December