oil paintings 1980-1990
I've always enjoyed the sensual experience of painting in oils - the feel of putting the paint onto the canvas, the smell of the linseed oil - but mostly I'm too impatient and want instant results.
Here are some oil paintings I did at Brighton Art College in the early 80s and at the Croydon Life Drawing Group in the late 80s / early 90s
Here are some oil paintings I did at Brighton Art College in the early 80s and at the Croydon Life Drawing Group in the late 80s / early 90s

Life study - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - Ann - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - Chris - oil painting

Life study - Pat - oil painting

Life study - Chris - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Life study - Stan - oil painting

Life study - oil painting

Flower study - Geraniums - oil painting

Flower study - oil painting