Portrait study - Rakel - pen and ink
Portrait study - Rakel - pen and ink

Sometimes when things go well they really go well. In what can not have been more than a 20 minute pose (Rakel was taking a lot of her weight on her arms) I managed to produce five drawings. You can see two more of them here and here.

If you wish to see more of my portraits please go here.

Date: 20/03/2010

Location: Wapping Life Group

Portrait study - Rakel - pen and ink

Sometimes when things go well they really go well. In what can not have been more than a 20 minute pose (Rakel was taking a lot of her weight on her arms) I managed to produce five drawings. You can see two more of them here and here.

If you wish to see more of my portraits please go here.

Date: 20/03/2010

Location: Wapping Life Group